368. Rhyme

Have you ever wondered why none of my articles rhyme? I know how to rhyme; if I wanted to rhyme them I could. But rhyming plays games with the mind; I’m afraid if I did, you’d think I was fooling around, and that wouldn’t be good. I want you to read what I write and…

367. Greener Grass

Did you ever find yourself wishing your children or parents were more like some other children or parents you’ve seen? We’re not supposed to think that way. We’re supposed to appreciate the people we’ve already got, and if we compare at all, our family is supposed to compare favorably. We’re supposed to feel lucky that…

362. Sibling

I’d like to add a verb to the English language: “sible.” There already is “sibling,” which can easily be used as the present participial form of the verb and still be used as a noun when necessary. “Parent,” after all, became a verb during my lifetime, so there’s a precedent. And I’m not seriously worried…

359. Exceptions

There were certain things I tried as a teacher, and they worked so well that I tried them every year, and they worked almost every year. On the one hand, I didn’t want to be like Mr. Goldman, my eighth grade Latin teacher, and become so predictable that people would tell jokes about me. I…