597. Truth

I have a friend who sometimes does something that bothers me. If we’re talking, and he starts to realize that he’s given me information I’ll use to make a decision he doesn’t like, he tells me he was only kidding, and then he proceeds to tell me the “truth.” And if that “truth” still doesn’t…

596. Earth

There are nine planets in our solar system, and we all had the good fortune to be born on what is probably the only one that can sustain human life. There may be planets in other solar systems that can do it even better, but I think earth is pretty good at it. And I…

595. School’s Job

Lately, I’ve heard that some schools are being sued, sometimes by pupils and sometimes by pupils’ parents, for not doing the job schools are “supposed to” do. My first reaction to such suits is that they’re nonsense – that educating people is everyone’s job. Teachers, parents, pupils, administrators, and politicians are key players, and ought…

592. No, Virginia

Virginia came to me one night With a question in her eyes She asks important questions, Expecting frank replies. “Daddy,” she said, in a serious voice, Underscored by a thoughtful pause, “I want an honest answer. Is there a Santa Clause?” “My parents once told me there was, And their parents told them, too. And…

590. Gratification

Adults often try to teach children about the glory of delayed gratification. “If you save your money,” we say, “you’ll have it when you really need it. Why get a bunch of stickers or candies now when you could save your money and get something better later?” When we ask children such questions, we want…