323. Fun

“Fun” is a little word. It’s nowhere near as big as “responsibility” or “accountability.” But I think it’s much more important than some people seem to think. I guess I have a broader definition of the word that allows me to make the statement, “Learning is fun,” without much reservation. In my mind, ignorance is…

322. Difficulty

A friend of mine once took issue with the statement, “Nobody said life would be easy.” She distinctly remembers getting the impression that it would. Maybe adults don’t come right out and tell children that life is going to be easy, but they aren’t always completely honest about how hard it can be, and some…

318. Dropping Out

I think it’s significant that I wrote 317 articles without even mentioning the possibility that some people may decide not to go to school any longer than they have to. As far as I know, all of my friends finished high school, and most of them went on to college. If I found out that…