317. Reflections

There’s an issue you’ve probably had to deal with, or you probably will. What if your child makes you look bad? What if people in your community, some of whom have come to like and respect you, see your child looking, sounding, or behaving in ways that don’t represent your view of how people should…

315. Class Placement

Teachers and administrators usually have a balancing act to do as the school year comes to an end – to place children in the classes they’ll be in come September. There are many factors that go into the process. Parents’ and children’s happiness is one of the factors, but there are usually people who are…

313. Denial

Denial may not always be as bad as it’s often made out to be. I was talking with a friend who is suffering/recovering from the effects of throat cancer and related medical procedures. He referred to himself and me as “experts at denial.” I plead guilty as charged, but I’d like to reclassify at least…

311. Childlessness

Many folk tales and other stories begin by telling about a couple or individual who has no children and dearly wishes for a child. And then some miracle or other happens, and a child appears. It could be the regular miracle – a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby. Or it could…

310. Integration

In 1974, I attended a rally in support of the integration of the Boston Public Schools. The featured speakers were Jonathan Kozol, James Meredith, and Benjamin Spock. I felt as if I was on the right (correct) side of the issue, and that only narrow-minded bigots were on the other side. I thought that integrating…