257. Sugar, TV, Etc.

Setting limits for children is one of my least enjoyable ways to spend time with them. I don’t have much trouble setting limits when it comes to the way they treat me; I won’t let them jump on me, destroy my property, use things I don’t want used. They respect those limits, and don’t argue…

255. Moving

One of the many harsh realities of life in these United States (and other places, I’m sure) is that families often have reasons to move away from places where they’ve come to feel at home. Often, these reasons make no sense at all to children. Children make friends, get to know local favorite places, adjust…

253. Spelling

Most people aren’t very good at spelling, and most people who are good at it never had any trouble with it. There have been all kinds of studies done to find out whether there are any ways to explain why some people can spell and some can’t. The last time I checked, which was in…

251. A Quiet Welcome

As I write this article, spring is very tentatively poking its head through a hard winter. I know it’s superstitious of me, but I try not to welcome it too much, even though I feel like really letting go. I picture spring as a shy child, curious about a new situation, and yet quite ready…

250. Clothes

When I told a friend that I was about to write an article about clothes, my friend did a mild double-take. I don’t have a reputation for having much to say about clothing. But I think I can wax prolific on the subject of not having much to say about clothing. I rarely spend much…

249. Obedience

You probably already know this, but children don’t always want to do what we want them to do. They sometimes argue, procrastinate, or disobey. We may find these interactions exhausting, but ultimately they tend to be the ones to lose. We’re bigger than they are, and that can give us an advantage. We have control…

248. The Family

Families don’t stay together so much any more. We probably aren’t going to go back to a time when they did. My parents live in southern Florida. I have one brother in northern Florida, one on Long Island, a sister in upstate New York, and I live in western Massachusetts. If you go a generation…