215. Cumulative Files

When children take standardized tests, or other pieces of paper deemed significant are produced, those papers are sometimes put into file folders, which are subsequently put into file cabinets. Most of the time, those papers stay there, minding their own business. Most teachers don’t keep checking to review children’s stanine ratings or percentile ranks; most…

214. The Hurrying Child

Modern society does things to make children feel that it’s not okay to be children. Children are quick to pick up whatever messages society seems to be giving them. Some want to be “cool,” and it doesn’t take long to learn that it isn’t “cool” to be a child – that being an adolescent is…

210. Covering Our Tracks

Not everything we say is for children’s ears. There are various reasons adults don’t want children to hear certain thoughts or communications. We may worry that they’ll be unnecessarily frightened, excited, angered, or embarrassed. We don’t want to spark those feelings, or deal with the behavior that usually accompanies them. Ideally, we find time to…

208. Whether to Help

I’ve often heard a certain kind of advice that has given me pause for thought: “Don’t give that child attention; that’s just what he/she wants.” It always seemed to me that if attention is just what the child wants, that’s a good reason to give it. I tried not to give too much attention for…