156. Nothing to Do

When a child complains “I have nothing to do,” a parent’s reaction is often something less than sympathetic. Parents and other adults (but especially parents) often long for some time with nothing to do. To them, that’s what a good vacation is. In fact, “vacation” comes from the Latin word for “empty.” Of course, many…

154. Friendship

I can’t think of anything better than friendship. For some people, a friend is one special person, and if there are too many more than one, the friendship starts to seem thinner. For others, the more, the merrier. There are people who feel that they can speak about just about anything with one or two…

153. Specialists

It’s a fact of life that there are people who are especially good at some things. Often, they’re people who aren’t so good at other things, and they cling to their specialties for the sake of their self-esteem. There are some people who don’t seem to be good at anything, and that causes problems. And…

151. Teenagers

All of us adults have been teenagers, and if all goes well, all of our children will be teenagers. But sometimes, when we’re caught up in some of the difficulties teenagers go through, we may start thinking they’re a different species. Our children may see them that way too, either out of loyalty to us…

150. Bridges

When I first started writing these articles, I told you that I hoped to build bridges with them. I hope that’s been happening. But it occurred to me that I may also be burning bridges with them. I’ve let you know, for example, that I am an atheist, that I’m not the patriot you may…

148. Racism and Tolerance

The statement “Everyone is a racist” can annoy, offend, even infuriate people. Sticks and stones may break bones, but words can do damage, too. When people hear someone say that we’re all racists, they may take it quite personally. They may be quite proud of their heart-felt belief that we’re all equal, all deserving of…